At ADDSEC, we strive to protect the environment and operate from a sustainability perspective. We shall be a company working for a better environment through continued evaluations of our work and our choice in products based on their effect on the environment.
Therefore, we have the following environmental goals:
- Increase our employees' knowledge and awareness about environmental issues.
- Put high demands on suppliers.
- See environmental measures as investments.
- Contribute to decreasing carbon emissions by choosing environmentally friendly travel options when possible.
- Always strive to use the company's resources in a more resourceful way.
Environmental organization
The CEO of ADDSEC, Anders Palm, is responsible for environmental issues. As environmentally responsible, he must make sure that we follow our plan of action for environmental work.
Environmental information to employees, clients and suppliers
All employees must know the company's environmental goals. We do follow-ups of this regularly at internal meetings. We also inform our clients and suppliers about our continuous environmental work.
Plan of action for environmental work
We have established a plan of action based on our environmental goals:
We sort and recycle all our waste.
Measures for saving energy
One of our goals if to lower our use of energy. For example, we are to switch off machine equipment not in use, virtualize internal systems when possible, and use low-energy bulbs in our premises.
Environmental purchases
We must always think of the environmental impact when purchasing products and services. This includes everything from electricity and transports to printing paper and business equipment.
Environmental demands on products and services
The products and services we market must be made from recyclable or recycled materials when possible. One of our goals is to remove products which are not manufactured in an environmentally friendly way or which contain environmentally hazardous substances.
Environmental requirements of our suppliers
We try to influence our main suppliers to always consider the environmental aspect in their production and business.